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Masa Nobilo Sleep Coach and founder of Restful Sleep

From wired and tired to Restful Sleep

Hi sleep enthusiast, I'm Maša Nobilo and for years, sleep was the first thing to go for me when life got stressful. It took a particularly rough period of ongoing non-sleep for me to decide that something needed to change. I took the long road, investing in my self-development with multiple trainings and lots of trial and error over the years.

In shifting my habits over time, I created a routine where I felt sleepy at bedtime and was able to get consistent sleep - finally! With that came more wakeful energy to both get clarity on, and make changes to, parts of my life that didn't fulfill me.


Seven years later, I am happy to help others get results from sleep coaching in as little as two months, drawing on a blend of CBTI, holistic sleep coaching, embodiment practices and more.


As a sleep geek and life-long learner, I am passionate about continually choosing, cultivating and championing a wholesome lifestyle. ​I share my learnings on this so that more people may be inspired to try out new ways of being, to both rest well and move into their version of a vibrant life. You can get a feel for what it's like to work with me here.


Consistent sleep is our birthright, so if you're struggling with this and would like insights on how to better manage, the free resources on this website are for you. For more personalised support in getting to the root cause of your sleep struggles, I offer one on one sleep coaching, as well as the stress less, sleep better self-led online course.

Stay curious,


I discovered "Awareness Through Movement" (ATM) with Maša "live". When confinement came, I was delighted Maša started offering a remote version with Zoom. I can't recommend it highly enough. The organisation and technicalities are top-notch, the fact that it's remote never gets in the way. Maša's personality still shines through, very positive, very welcoming. 

I'd love to hear from you

Feel free to share any questions, ideas for collaboration or other curiosities you may have.

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